Urban space
For some time now I have been interested in our built environments and how they interact with our own internal perception of space. I’m hoping that eventually, what we have learned about the cognitive neuroscience of navigation will influence architectural practice. To this end I have been engaging increasingly frequently with architects and designers - see some things below. See also my YouTube playlist of talks relating to urban navigation
2023 Podcast interview with Tim Fendley (Applied Wayfinding) and the DiSegno design company on the neuroscience of navigation (Aug) Spotify, Apple Podcasts and also the Disegno article on the launch of the series
2021 Panel discussion on Navigation and Neuroscience with Tim Fendley from Applied Wayfinding for the London Design Festival
2021 Interview for BNP Paribas Real Estate's TrendBook - Cities of Tomorrow
2021 The Freewheeling Podcast with Thomas Ableman https://www.freewheeling.info/the-freewheeling-podcast/kate-jeffery.
2021 Interview with Nigel Scard for Ergonomist magazine (Part 1 and Part 2)
2021 Lecture: The neuroscience of spatial cognition & emotion NAAD Venice IUAV (March 12)
2021 Thinkdeep UK panel discussion on designing spaces for underground living
2021 Book chapter: Jeffery, KJ and Zisch, F (2021) Spatial entities of the future: designs through the lens of neuroscience Routledge Companion to Ecological Design Thinking In Architecture & Urbanism
2021 research article: Jeffery, K., Guo, W., Ball, D., & Rodriguez-Sanchez, J. Visual imagination and cognitive mapping of a virtual building. Journal of Navigation, 1–14
2020 Conscious Cities London talk Uneasy cities: The neuroscience of spatial cognition & emotion (Oct 20)
2020 Conscious Cities Lima talk and panel discussion (Oct 19)
2020 Panel discussion for Design Computation conference (Oct 7)
2020 Panel discussion on wayfinding in cities with Disegno Wayfinding (with Tim Fendley, Sarah Manning, and Jada Stevens Sept. 25)
2020 Talk to the Sign Design Society: Neuroscience of cognitive mapping and wayfinding (July 23)
2020 MOVE conference talk What can AV navigation learn from neuroscience? (February 11)
2019 Review article: Urban architecture: A cognitive neuroscience perspective The Design Journal 22(6)
2019 Talk to the London Walking Network on Our sense of place and sense of direction (Nov 28)
2019 Interview with Brian Resnik for Vox Magazine about whether GPS is ruining our brains
2019 Gave the Kevin Lynch memorial lecture to the Urban Design Group (Nov 14)
2019 Talk to Ordnance Survey (Jan 15) Cognitive neuroscience and navigation
2018 Talk to Thinkdeep UK (Nov 29) Cognitive neuroscience and architecture
2018 Talk at the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA; Oct 22) as part of the Conscious Cities festival. Cognitive neuroscience and architecture.
2018 Talk at the Royal College of Physicians Fellows Club (Oct 16) How the brain makes a map of space
2018 Talk at Transport for London (Sept 18)
2018 Keynote and workshop participant at SmartGeometry conference (May 12) How the brain makes a map of space
2018 Talk to Solent branch of the RIN and Ordnance Survey (Feb 22) How the human brain makes a map of space
2018 Organised a CogNav discussion evening: “Dementia and navigation” (Feb 20) featuring a cognitive neuroscientist (Michael Hornberger) and an architect (Niall McLaughlin)
2017 London transport Museum Late Debate – presentation and lecture
2017 Closing lecture for Geocom17 (Oct 26) Urban wayfinding and neuroscience
2017 Keynote lecture at the Ordnance Survey Cambridge Conference
2017 Urban Wayfinding symposium: Urban wayfinding and neuroscience
2017 Conscious Cities symposium: Studying the sense of direction in the brain. Article Video
2016 Interview with architects Niall McLaughlin and Yeoryia Manolopoulou for the Venice Biennale exhibition “Losing myself” audio
2016 Interview with The Naked Scientists for podcast on navigation audio
2016 Article on three dimensional thinking for July issue of Navigation News pdf
2011 UCL Bright Club: interviewed by Steve Cross and comedian Steve Hall about space audio