Climate change
I have become involved with the climate crisis, engaging at both a professional level and with the general public. Professionally, I have co-authored articles aimed at scientists (see below) and done several talks and panel discussions. I have also started to collate a list of resources for scientists wishing to make their research less environmentally destructive, here.
On the public engagement side, one of my activities has been to work with Extinction Rebellion to develop and deliver their Heading for Extinction talk; some of which you can see on my YouTube climate talks playlist.
2021 Forthcoming paper: Rae C, Farley M, Jeffery KJ and urai A Climate crisis and ecological emergency: why they concern (neuro)scientists, and what we can do Brain and Neuroscience Advances
2021 Panel discussion Climate crisis for neuroscientists - workshop with Kate Jeffery and Tom Böhling at the Helsinki Brain & Mind Symposium
2021 Invited participant in BNA panel discussion “Green neuroscience” on how neuroscientists can contribute to addressing the climate crisis
2020 Invited discussant at a Royal Society meeting on Digital Technology to decarbonise supply chains and logistics
Editorial: Patil M, Jeffery KJ (2020) What does climate change mean for occupational health professionals? Occup Med 70:386–388.
Paper: Aron AR, Ivry RB, Jeffery KJ, et al (2020) How can neuroscientists respond to the climate emergency? Neuron 106:17–20.
2020 Talk to Meeting of the Minds conference, Imperial College, on the Psychology of climate inaction followed by panel discussion on neuroscience and society
2020 Talk to KCL Psychiatry Society on the Psychology of climate inaction (Jan 21)
2019 UCL Minds lunch-hour lecture on the Psychology of climate inaction (Nov 12)
2019 Oct 24 Interview about climate change on Radio Verulam (starts at 6.54 min) 2019 Panel discussion on XR’s Rebel Radio about the science of climate change
2019 Video: Heading for Extinction about the cause of the climate crisis and how civil protest can help raise awareness. I have also given more than 20 variants of this talk to local community groups.